International Conference on Humanism and Ecological Transition

Friday, 21 October
15:30h Reception
16:00h Openning Ceremony
16:30h Dr. Michel Boyancé: "Ecology or the Return of the Common Good?"
17:15h Dr. Carmen Parra: "Environmental sustainability and the defence of Human Rights".
18:00h Dr. Christiaan Alting von Geusau: "The Ecology of the Human being: Listening to the Language of Nature in Modernity".
19:00h Visit to Ávila
20:30h Dinner
Saturday, 22 October
10:00h Dr. Jorge Mongil: "The Role of Science in the Ecological Transition. Reflections from the Natural Environment".
10:45h Marc Levatois: "From Haeckel to the French School of Geography: The Possibility of a Human Ecology?
11:30h Break
12:00h Presentation of Research Papers
14:00h Lunch
16:30h Presentation of Research Papers
18:00h Dr. Emmanuel Brochier: "The Eclipse of the Philosophy of Nature as the Source of the Ecological Crisis: Can this Vision of Laudato' Si Change the Way We Think about Education?"
18:45h Closing
20:30h Dinner

*Please note that all times on this page are based on the time in Madrid, Spain (GMT +2). To confirm the time click here*

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